Miranda Lambert Is at a 'Comfortable Place' After She 'Struggled with Ups and Downs in Weight'

"I don't like being onstage worrying about my body," the country singer said

Miranda Lambert has “struggled” with her weight and body insecurities for her “whole life” — but the country singer is finally feeling good about herself.

Lambert, 36, said that she’s “hit a comfortable place” after her years of body image issues.

“My whole life, I’ve struggled with ups and downs in weight,” she admitted to Health for their December cover. “I’m only 5’4″ so weight shows quickly on me. I’ve hit a comfortable place; this is pretty much my size. I’m a size 6, give or take five lbs., depending on the day.”

Lambert said that her newfound confidence has made it easier for her to get onstage and perform each night.

“It’s so good to find your place,” she said. “I don’t like being onstage worrying about my body. That’s the last thing I want to be thinking about. I don’t give my best performance when I’m distracted by my insecurities.”

<a href="https://people.com/tag/miranda-lambert/" data-inlink="true">Miranda Lambert</a>
Miranda Lambert. MEI TAO

Lambert took a circuitous route to her new outlook on her body. She resolved to stop caring after a fan said that she was inspired by the confident attitude that Lambert gave off.

“There was a time when I wasn’t happy about the way I looked — but I was happy about where I was in my career, so I was like, ‘I’ll worry about that later,’ ” Lambert said. “I had a girl come up to me. She was probably my size and age, and she said, ‘I want you to know I threw my scale away because of you, because you’re so confident. I realized my weight is not in a scale; it’s in how I feel about myself.’ That gave me confidence to be like, ‘Whatever state you’re in, you’ve gotta rock it.’

<a href="https://people.com/tag/miranda-lambert/" data-inlink="true">Miranda Lambert</a>

And to do it, Lambert stopped obsessing over her eating and workout habits.

“I don’t have any rhyme or reason to my fitness routine or dieting. I’ve been on every diet. Every time I did low-carb, I would gain [the weight] back so quickly,” she said, explaining that she’s now more relaxed about her choices. “Sometimes I have a couple weeks where I just drink beer and eat cheeseburgers. And then I’ll go, ‘That was fun, but my stuff doesn’t fit.’ Then I’ll spend a month doing Pilates or riding a lot and running.”

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