Dog Abandoned With A Teddy Bear Finds New Father Who’d Never Leave Her

Dog Abandoned With A Teddy Bear Finds New Father Who’d Never Leave Her

Ellie, a year-old Blue Lacy dog, lived with her family near Dallas, Texas until they didn't want her anymore. They left her at the shelter with a teddy bear, and she just sat there, clinging to it, not knowing what was going on.

Dog Abandoned With Teddy Bear Finds New Father Who’d Never Leave Her
Source: Jennifer Jessup

The family even got her spayed, microchipped, and given all the necessary shots a few months before abandoning her. Now, she's all alone in a noisy, scary shelter that euthanizes for space when needed.

Dog Abandoned With Teddy Bear Finds New Father
Source: Jennifer Jessup

Luckily, Ellie won't be there for long. It was Jennifer Jessup, a New York-based independent dog rescuer, found the dog using an online search. She then contacted her brother in Florida who wanted to adopt a Blue Lacy dog.

Source: Jennifer Jessup

Jennifer's friends picked up Ellie to a boarding house where she made sure the paperwork was in order and that the dog could be bathed. She spent the night there and then went to a nursing home, until was taken to Florida. Being in her real home made her feel better, but she still clung to her teddy bear.

Source: Jennifer Jessup

Even when her foster parents tried to take pictures of Ellie without her teddy bear, she cowered in fear. When she got her toy back, she held onto it with the feeling of not wanting to lose it again.

But finally, the day came when Ellie met her new dad! TWD Transport picked up the sweet girl and brought her from Texas to Florida.

Dog Abandoned With Teddy Bear Finds New Father Who’d Never Leave Her
Source: Jennifer Jessup

After a long trip, the dog was tired. But Dad was willing to spend the whole day with her to make her feel welcomed and relax. It takes a while for her to truly settle in her chaotic life, but Dad is here to help her.

Dog Abandoned With Teddy Bear Finds New Father Who’d Never Leave Her
Source: Jennifer Jessup

Jennifer knew that this was the perfect place for the dog and her teddy bear - and it really showed!

Dog Abandoned With Teddy Bear Finds New Father Who’d Never Leave Her
Source: Jennifer Jessup

After being dumped by her former owner, Ellie calmed down and started to relax thanks to the love and attention she received from a new owner. Here's to a new beginning where Ellie is treated with respect!

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