Marcheline Bertrand: The Mother Who Shaped Angelina Jolie

Exploring the complex relationship between Angelina Jolie, her Oscar-winning father Jon Voight, and her late mother Marcheline Bertrand.

Hey there, movie buffs and celeb watchers! Grab your popcorn, because we're diving into the fascinating world of Angelina Jolie and her famous folks. It's a story that's got more twists and turns than a blockbuster thriller!

Meet the Parents: Hollywood Edition

Angelina Jolie’s parents Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand
Angelina Jolie’s parents Jon Voight and Marcheline Bertrand were famous too. Photos: Reuters, @timeneverlieschico/Instagram

So, picture this: It's the 1970s in La La Land, and little Angelina is born to not one, but two silver screen stars. On one side, we've got Jon Voight, the guy who rode into our hearts in "Midnight Cowboy". On the other, there's Marcheline Bertrand, a talented actress with a heart of gold. Talk about hitting the genetic jackpot, right?

But hold onto your hats, folks, because this Hollywood fairy tale isn't all glitz and glamour. The plot thickens when Angie's parents split, and she and her brother James pack their bags for the Big Apple with mom.

Daddy Issues: The Voight-Jolie Feud

Now, we all love a good father-daughter dance, but Angie and Jon's relationship? It's more like a tango with too many steps. One minute they're co-stars in "Tomb Raider", the next they're giving each other the cold shoulder.

"We don't really speak that much any more"

Ouch! That's Angie dropping the truth bomb to Vogue back in 2002. Word on the street is that daddy dearest wasn't exactly Father of the Year material during his marriage to Marcheline. Let's just say fidelity wasn't his strong suit.

Fast forward to today, and things are still... complicated. Jon's recent social media callout of Angie's stance on the Israel-Gaza situation? Talk about airing your dirty laundry in public!

Mama's Girl: Angelina and Marcheline

Angelina Jolie and her mother Marcheline Bertrand smiling together
Mother-daughter goals, am I right? Photo: Reuters.

Mother-daughter goals, am I right?

Now, if Jon was the storm in Angie's life, Marcheline was the calm. These two were thick as thieves, I tell ya. But life can be cruel, and Marcheline's battle with cancer was a heartbreaker.

"I have lived over a decade now without a mum"

Angie penned those words in a gut-wrenching piece for Time, and boy, does it hit you right in the feels. She talks about hoping her choices (like that brave decision to get a preventive double mastectomy) will give her more time than her mom and grandma had. Heavy stuff, folks.

The Brangelina Chapter

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie with their children
The Jolie-Pitt clan in happier times

Remember when Brangelina was the hottest portmanteau in town? Well, during those golden years, both Marcheline and Jon got some quality time with the grandkids. Marcheline, bless her heart, got to meet a few of them before she passed. And Jon? He was spotted doing the family dinner thing with Brad, Angie, and the kiddos even after things got rocky between him and his daughter.

But as we all know, even Hollywood's golden couples aren't immune to trouble in paradise. The Brangelina split? Now that's a whole other can of worms!

So there you have it, folks - the Jolie family saga in all its messy, complicated glory. It just goes to show that even when you're Hollywood royalty, family drama is as real as it gets. Will Angie and Jon patch things up? Will the Jolie-Pitt kids write tell-all memoirs? Only time will tell, but you can bet your bottom dollar we'll be here for all the twists and turns!

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