Heartland: Hilarious Bloopers - Behind-the-Scenes Fun

I love how Amber (Amy) laughs every time Graham (Ty) sneezes

Watch the funniest moments from behind the scenes of Heartland

Who doesn't love a good blooper reel? And when it comes to the heartwarming drama Heartland, there's no shortage of behind-the-scenes mishaps and funny moments. Let's take a look at some of the most hilarious bloopers from the show.

  1. Horseback Riding Mishaps
    As a show centered around horses, it's no surprise that some horseback riding mishaps have occurred. From horses tripping over their own feet to actors falling off their mounts, these bloopers are sure to make you laugh.
  2. Animal Antics
    Animals can be unpredictable, and that's especially true on a TV set. From dogs barking at the wrong time to horses refusing to cooperate, these animal antics add a touch of chaos to the show.
  3. Line Flubs and Goofs
    Even the best actors can make mistakes. Whether it's forgetting a line or accidentally saying something funny, these line flubs and goofs are sure to entertain.
  4. Behind-the-Scenes Shenanigans
    Sometimes, the most hilarious moments happen off-screen. From cast members playing pranks on each other to crew members making funny faces, these behind-the-scenes shenanigans show us a different side of the show.

Want to see more? Check out this video for even more hilarious moments from Heartland.

With stray kisses, sneezing fits, and forgotten lines… things don't always go as planned on the "Heartland" set.

What's your favorite Heartland blooper? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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