NCIS fans, Cast Member Reveals how Mark Harmon still Involved with the Series
Mark Harmon may no longer be a regular on NCIS, but that doesn't mean he won't be playing a key role in the CBS drama.
Longtime fans of the show know that the long-running portrayal of actor Leroy Jethro Gibbs ended when Mark left four episodes into season 19. But it seems he hasn't completely given up on procedural drama, according to an interview on November 2022. star Diona Reasonover, who plays Kasie Hinds. Speaking to Entertainment Tonight after writing an episode for Season 20, she revealed that Mark is still a regular on the crew. Besides, he comes from time to time.

"Mark is still very involved and he's still [executive producer]," he told the media. "He still comes on stage. he actually came up to me to tell me how much he loved the script, such a sweetie."
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While Mark is still dealing with his old TV hang-ups, his departure from NCIS has raised concerns among the cast and crew about the future. Fortunately, they went ahead with new and heartwarming episodes and even secured a season 21 renewal. Diona went on to say that she enjoyed the opportunity to experiment with different storylines while Mark took on a behind-the-scenes role.
"I think a lot of people, including me, were concerned," she said. "It was our first season without our amazing lead. But it was also great to explore new characters and new relationships and learn all these new rules. So it was exciting and it's always good to do something different, you know what I mean." Look? … There's something different to do every day."
While it's unclear if the West Wing alum will return to NCIS, at least we know he's still ready to bring viewers the best stories. to do It is difficult to say about Mark's future career.
The actor signed in February with Gersh Talent Agency, a company that represents "actors, writers, producers, directors and award-winning talent in the fields of film, television, media, branded content and stage." Whether this marks Mark's return to television, we don't know for sure.
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Either way, it's good to know that Gibbs is still leading the team in some way…even if it's off-screen.
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